Economic Analysis of The Electronic Payment System in Iraq: Study of Trends, Impacts and Opportunities for The Period (2018-2023) for Selected Companies (Asiahawala & Zaincash & Nasspay)
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The purpose of this study is to elucidate the electronic payment system in Iraq and its role in supporting financial and economic activities, highlighting the importance of its connection to financial activities in the country. The study also examines the impact of electronic systems on financial inclusion and the volume of financial flows within the Iraqi economy, with a focus on a comprehensive analysis of the performance and strategies of specialized companies such as (AsiaHawala, ZainCash, and NassPay). Thanks to this study, stakeholders can benefit from valuable insights shedding light on the opportunities and challenges in this rapidly evolving sector. The study concludes with a set of findings that contribute to the development of the state's economy and encourage customers to use payment technologies supported by the Iraqi economy, thereby enhancing growth in the market and banking sector through the promotion of electronic payment system usage.
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