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Ahmed Shawish Hussein Talab
Sami Dhiab Mahal


The current study aims to know the relationship and influence between international marketing and its determinants, which are (geographical, linguistic, cultural, artistic and technological location, the colonial dimension in the past era) in enhancing customer satisfaction represented by (quality of the product or service, price, customer service, delivery time, experience product or service) through a survey of the opinions of a sample of customers of major stores in the city of Erbil. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the study problem is formulated with a main question, which is (Does international marketing contribute to enhancing customer satisfaction?) Where the study relies mainly on the descriptive analytical approach in presenting, analyzing and interpreting the study information. As for the study population and sample, it relies on a random population and is distributed (130) questionnaires are submitted to the surveyed customers, of which (124) questionnaires are retrieved and were suitable for analysis, which is officially adopted as a sample for the study. In addition, a group of statistical methods were used using the (SPSS) program, and the study came out with a number of conclusions and recommendations, the most important of which is the existence of a relationship of correlation and influence between international marketing and customer satisfaction. The study concludes with a number of recommendations, which is that the field under study must pay attention to international marketing in order to Reach the satisfaction of its customers and providing what is best in order to obtain the loyalty of those customers.


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How to Cite
Ahmed Shawish Hussein Talab, & Sami Dhiab Mahal. (2024). The Role of Determinants of International Marketing in Enhancing Customer Satisfaction: An Exploratory Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Customers of Supermarkets in the City of Erbil. Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 20(67, part 2), 256–271.


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