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Nawaf R. Ismael
Imen Mzid


The study aims to know the impact of sustainable leadership, with its combined dimensions, on the reputation of the organization according to the opinions of the academic leaders at the University of Tikrit, based on the analytical descriptive approach. The study sample was chosen in a purposive manner and numbered (179) samples. The questionnaire form was distributed to them and (165) analyzable questionnaires were retrieved. Using version (27) of the Time Analysis program (Amos ver.27) and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences program, version 27 (SPSS.27). The results of the analysis indicated the presence of a statistically significant impact relationship for sustainable leadership in terms of its dimensions in the dimensions of the organization’s reputation. The study recommends that More attention to the dimensions of the university’s reputation in terms of social responsibility, creativity, and quality of services at the university.


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Nawaf R. Ismael, & Imen Mzid. (2024). The impact of sustainable leadership on the organization’s reputation “An exploratory study of the opinions of academic leaders at Tikrit University”. Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 20(67, part 2), 200–218.


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