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Wan Jameel Ibrahim
Nechirvan Haji Ibrahim
Himdad omer saber


The research aimed to understand and know the relationship between enlightened marketing and its role in promoting and its impact on sustainable marketing, by applying it to trade companies in the city of Zakho. The study was conducted on a sample consisting of 85 commercial companies, and the marketing, warehouse and purchasing managers in these companies were surveyed. Using probability equations, standard deviations, and the 25 SPSS program to test the correlation and effect, the study showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the dimensions of enlightened marketing and the dimensions of sustainable marketing for the aforementioned trading companies. The results of the statistical analysis also showed that there is a positive and significant effect of the dimensions of sustainable marketing on the dimensions of enlightened marketing. There are additional benefits. It is important for sustainable marketing, in addition to its positive and moral impact on the company’s reputation. In conclusion, according to the results of the study, the researchers reached several important and fundamental conclusions and proposals. Supporting and enhancing the role of informed marketing can play a decisive role in promoting sustainable marketing.


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Wan Jameel Ibrahim, Nechirvan Haji Ibrahim, & Himdad omer saber. (2024). Enlightened marketing and its role in promoting sustainable marketing: A survey of the opinions of a sample of department managers in a number of commercial companies in the independent Zakho administration. Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 20(67, part 2), 151–175.


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