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Najim suhel Najim
Rafaa Ibrahim Al-Hamdani


The study aimed to demonstrate the impact of some variables (interest rates, inflation rate, foreign direct investment, gross domestic product) on the trading volume of foreign exchange swap contracts traded in the Forex markets, The study adopted the (Panel Data) model in analyzing data for independent variables and data on the trading volume of foreign exchange swap contracts, for the period from 1992 AD to 2022 AD, and for a group of countries selected as a sample for the study, which were represented by (the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, Canada),The study found that traders (individuals, organizations, countries) use foreign exchange swap contracts for speculative and hedging purposes, so they must take strategies to reduce the risks resulting from exchange rate fluctuations. Traders often use previous exchange rate movements to form their expectations about future movements, and they take Positions in the Forex market based on their view of the path of the exchange rate.


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How to Cite
Najim suhel Najim, & Rafaa Ibrahim Al-Hamdani. (2024). Measuring and analyzing the impact of some variables on the trading volume of foreign exchange swaps: an analytical study in the Forex markets. Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 20(67, part 2), 37–55.


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